HB2817 H ENG AM #1 1-26

Akers 3254


The Committee on Energy and Manufacturing moves to amend the bill on page 2, section 3, beginning on line 4, by striking subsection (b) in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof a new subsection (b) as follows:

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, persons or entities generating electricity for retail sale for alternative fuel vehicles at temporary electric charging locations using movable generators are not public utilities and the Public Service Commission shall have no jurisdiction thereover: Provided, That the temporary charging locations are: (1) at fairs, festivals, and other special events; (2) at locations where the electric distribution grid has been adversely effected by emergencies or disasters, natural or otherwise; or (3) at locations which facilitate evacuations from such emergencies or disasters, impending or otherwise.


